
is dave coustan
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extraface at gmail dot com
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Projects - hatched, unhatched and currently hatching ideas

  • Shangri-La Revisited: Tibetan Perspectives On Non-Violence
    This was my undergraduate thesis project for a B.A. in Religion at Columbia College of Columbia University. In the summer between my junior and senior years at Columbia, I spent a month shooting video in Dharamsala, India, seat of the Tibetan Government and home to many exiled Tibetans. I interviewed Tibetans who had fled their homeland, officers in the Tibetan-Government-In-Exile, and was honored to have a 20 minute private audience with His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
  • How Old Are You?
    An easy/dumb project that tells you your age in terms of a professional athlete who has it as a uniform number. For example, I am Curt Schilling years old.
  • Sympathy For The Hashtagger
    It's no secret in the Twitter world that I think for whatever value they may bring, hashtags (#thesethings) are ugly and obtrusive. We built this site to showcase tweets that express both sides of that ambivalence -- that apologize for using a hashtag even while they use one in the very same tweet.
  • Who Do You Call When You Windshield Is Busted?
    Red Sox fans will recognize the answer this site provides.
  • Hate-a-base
    A place to put your hate, where it can do some good. This was built in 24 hours by my friends Gregg and Josh for Rails Day 2006, but we haven't done much with it since.
..and ask me about:
Revision 1.5 - Icons were free deliveries from the Marseilles collection at Icon Buffet, design inspired by Mike Davidson's sentenc.es site.